I hope everyone of you to have I great time with love!!!
Friday, 12 December 2008
Merry Christmas & HAppy New Year
Monday, 8 December 2008
Seminar Privacy Cases
Here, are some of the web sites on which I found some interesting ideas for our seminar.
- http://www.privacyinternational.org/survey/phr2003/overview.htm
- http://www.out-law.com/page-413
- http://infolab.stanford.edu/~mor/research/chi241-ahern-mediaprivacy.pdf
- http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/2330823.stm
- http://www.ico.gov.uk/what_we_cover/privacy_and_electronic_communications.aspx
- http://www.out-law.com/page-3434
- http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio3/freethinking/2008/festival-events/event07/
The last one, is a debate on the BBC radio about 'Is privacy Dead?' it's really nice to hear it!!!
Margaret Cho Margaret Cho's Weblog, 07-05-04
Also, I read the article which Jim post on his blog and it help me to answer all the questions for the privacy definitions, why privacy is important, the situation in the UK and at the end for the impact of the European convention on Human Rights on UK law.
The question is If in our days there is privacy???
In my mind of view, no we don't have any kind of privacy. The main cause for this change is the technology and how it change our lives. For instance, we can think for a second the 'Facebook' and how many information we can find there for other people. I believe there is still privacy only in health problems! If there isn't we have to respect this privacy, because is sth personal which must me protect for all of us.
Good night!!!
Thursday, 4 December 2008
The Parthenon
Task 11. Listen an online lecture
Task 17. Reflection Writing
Wednesday, 3 December 2008
Subject-based resources for you subject
My subject area it was on Marketing!!
Some useful links are:
On this sites, you can find any common definition or examples on Marketing Field.
I read an article relevant to my undergraduate degree. This article it was for the cereal industry ''The ready-to-eat Breakfast Cereal Industry in 1994''. Usually, on Marketing, the authors analyse an industry, for instance cereal industry, car industry, clothe industry, etc.. or they write about one company (for example, how it seems to the market, the highlights of this company, how it reacted in a special situation etc..), which usually call this ''case study''.
The analyse of the article include:
- The history of the company or industry
- The environment in this sector (for instance, technologies which companies use, distribution, advertising, promotions and pricing, new product introductions)
- Competition ( here they have to analyse about their main competitors, for example Kellogg General Mills, Philip Morris, Quaker Oats, etc.. You have two include all the main competitors in your analysis because they will be a threat for your sales)
- The private label threat
- A turning point
All the above bullets are one part of a ''marketing plan'', a marketing plan usually include:
- product/services and your unique selling proposition
- pricing strategy
- sales and distribution plan
- advertising and promotion plan
Attention!!! you must be carefully, because a lot of people are confused with marketing plan and business plan, the main difference between these plans are that: ''marketing plan is a section of business plan''.
Analyse my own language abilities and skills
Very Good____________________________Very Weak
- Speaking ___________________X_________________
- Writing ______________________X_______________
- Reading _______________________X______________
- Listening______________________X_______________
- Pronunciation______________________X____________
- Grammar
- Vocabulary_________________________X___________
- Academic Skills______________________X____________
In my mind of view, I can understand the whole meaning of reading or when someone speaking or on listening, but I can't understand something specific and this is my main weakness in English.
I find very difficult to understand the grammar and I can remember the new vocabulary or how the words work together. Generally, I believe in all the above sectors I have some severe weakness, which I need to improve, If I want to learn this foreign language. As a result, in the future, I have a lot of self study to do, because I want to do my master next year. So, I will try to do my best!!!
''Television is no way a true mirror of society''
As Alan Corenk once said “Television is more interesting than people. If it were not, we would have people standing in the corners of our rooms’’. It is sad but true to some extent at the same time. Nobody can argue with the fact that television has become an obsession of our society. Paddy Chayevsky refers to it as “a menace that everyone loves to hate but can't seem to live without”. And that is specifically what it has become today. It used to be a channel of information, enabling people to learn at any time what was going on anywhere in the world. Today there has been a lot of criticism whether TV is still educative and informative or has become just a useless piece of furniture. Some people believe that violence, sex, reality shows etc., gives us the exact duplication of our society.
On the opposite side, others think that despite some individual’s bad intentions, television does not in any way reflect who we are or the world we live in.
Indeed, in some cases, the images shown on TV are based on some real facts. The sad thing is that these images have been distorted and exaggerated. Every member of a society is not a part of an unemployed cast of a reality show, neither someone who spends time gossiping about celebrities or revealing his feelings on a talk show. This essay will try to fairly analyse the positive and negative effects of Television on our society. The next step will provide a logical explanation for this “hate” that started lately to surround the word “Television”.
PARAGRAPH 1: Negative effects of TV on our society
The quotation page, 2007, [WWW], Available from: http://www.quotationspage.com/quotes/Alan_Corenk/, Accessed: 25/11/2008
Monday, 1 December 2008
Seminar Reflection No.2
- How good was I? 2
- Had I done enough reserach and preperation? 2
- Did I speak enough during the seminar? 2
- Was I agood listener? 1
- Did I argue my opinio clearly? 2
- Did I give reasons, examples and evidence to support my opinions? 2
- Did I ask relevant questions to other people? 1
- Was the language I used accurate? 2
- Had I prepared the language I needed before the seminar? 2
- Did I direct the discussion or help keep the discussion moving the right direction? 1
- Could other people clearly understand what I was saying? 2
- Did I work well the other people in my group? 1
Sunday, 30 November 2008
Preparation for the seminar
My research for the seminar tomorrow!
We can characterise London like a ‘surveillance society’, while as you can see in a lot of articles, there are a significant number of CCTV cameras in London, also at Heathrow airport start to use biometrics, the police use DNA database to indentify the murder of a crime or the robber, etc.. In my opinion, all these techniques are suitable and useful in our days, because people became more violent and we need this safe!!!
At these sites, there is an opposite opinion about CCTV cameras, while some people believe that CCTV cameras didn’t solve any problem of crime or robberies
- http://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2008/05/londons_cameras_1.html,
- http://pcworld.about.com/od/techindustrytrends/CCTV-cameras-don-t-solve-crime.htm.
Below there are some articles for DNA database
- http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/uk/crime/article3423450.ece
- http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/comment/leading_article/article3423669.ece
- http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/uk/crime/article3410814.ece
- http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/uk/crime/article3419837.ece
Electronic tagging
In my opinion, electronic tagging isn’t so good, because isn’t the ‘correct’ punishment for these people who do soothing bad in our society! It is more strong to be in a prison than to stay at home and if you stay at your home you could see all your people who love, so that it isn’t a punishment!!
For and against using or increasing these forms of surveillance technology
- http://archives.cnn.com/2002/LAW/10/21/ctv.cameras/
- http://www.surveillance-and-society.org/Articles4(1)/student.pdf
- http://www.mysocialnetwork.net/blog/410/g42/2006/11/surveillance_in_our_contempora.html
Surveillance technology in the future
‘We have to move ourselves into this new world. It is a great challenge for us.’
But the question is: how safe is this new world????
I believe, people could never feel safe, because always there are improvements which are more powerful than us.
Saturday, 29 November 2008
Here I am!!!
On Friday, I search on the internet the definition of these words:
Surveillance, Footprints, fingerprints, biometrics,etc.. (all the words which mentioned in Jim's Blog).
I found the definition from the on line Cambridge dictionary and also used this site http://www.answers.com/, from which you can find how the words used and with which words you can use these words.
Furthermore, I read some of the articles which are in the list and I found them informative and interesting, because in my country we don't have so effective systems, we use some of them like CCTV but not so effective like here and there aren't everywhere! In my mind of view, these cameras are very effective, because citizens could feel safe!!!
Also, cybercrime in recent years is incresed gradually and this is a problem for the developing countries, because they don't know how to solve this problem. At this site http://www.crime-research.org/library/Schetilov.htm, you can find, the typical examples of such kind of crimes are, list of crime which could mentioned as cybercrime, the main features of cybercrimes, etc..
To be continued tomorrow....
Tuesday, 25 November 2008
Seminar Reflection
Good morning, everyone...
Yesterday, we do our first seminar, about the media!! I find it very interesting, but sometimes when you want to interrupt someone for your group you can because he or she just continue to speak and you can stop him or her!!Anyway, i found it very informative, because we have in depth discussion about the first part of the seminar ''television viewing habits around the world'', so I learn a lot about the laws and the current situation of TV on different countries around the world.
In my mind of view, for the next seminar I would like to do some improvements, because I want to learn how to interrupt someone more polite or how all the members of our group to do some questions and not only the one, because i think tis isn't a seminar but I ''mini'' lecture in four people!! furthermore, if all the member have one more active role the seminar will become more interesring and interactive!!!
How good was I? 2
Had I done enough reserach and preperation? 2
Did I speak enough during the seminar? 3
was I agood listener? 3
Did I argue my opinio clearly? 2
Did I give reasons, examples and evidence to support my opinions? 2
Did I ask relevant questions to other people? 3
Was the language I used accurate? 2
Had I prepared the language I needed before the seminar? 2
Did I direct the discussion or help keep the discussion moving the right direction? 3
Could other people clearly understand what I was saying? 2
Did i work well the other people in my group? 2
Below you can find some of my resources for the media, sorry I didn't do it before the seminar because I didn't have enough time!
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Television#Geographical_usage
- http://www.myfavoriteezines.com/articles/TV-watching-pros-cons.html
- http://www.dooyoo.co.uk/discussion/detrimental-effects-of-television-on-society/1001904/
- http://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/81180.html
- http://www.planetpapers.com/Assets/3312.php
- http://www.echeat.com/essay.php?t=30171
- http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2008/feb/04/comment.pressandpublishing
- http://www.ppu.org.uk/education/media_violence_survey-c.html
- http://www.medialit.org/reading_room/article581.html
- http://www.zoominfo.com/people/Kerze_Bill_134827630.aspx
- http://www.medialit.org/reading_room/article430.html
- www.media-awareness.ca/english/teachers/media_literacy/why_teach_media_liter.cfm - 44k
- http://www.usatoday.com/tech/columnist/andrewkantor/2005-07-28-kantor-future-tv_x.htm
- http://technology360.typepad.com/technology360/2005/07/the_future_of_t.html
- http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m2294/is_1999_Sept/ai_58469478
- http://www.turnoffyourtv.com/healtheducation/violencechildren/violencechildren.html
- http://www.essortment.com/all/televisionviole_rfzn.htm
- http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/1899408.stm
- http://gnfc.org.uk/resource_parent/tv_violn.html
- http://www.independent.co.uk/news/media/tv-violence-makes-children-aggressive-483822.html
Have a nice day!!!!
Friday, 21 November 2008
The 500 Most Commonly Used Words in the English Language
The 100 most commonly used verbs in the English Language
That's enough for today!!!
Thursday, 20 November 2008
Television in Greece
Referencing & Plagiarism (Self Study)
- Harvard System
(the most popular system of referencing)
1. Books
AUTHOR(S) (Year) Title, Edition. Place of publication, Publisher
Do not forget the title of book must be in italics such as the exaple above
e.g. Mandelbort, B.B. (1982) The Fractal Geometry of Nature. New York: WH Freeman
2. Books with two or three authors
e.g. LI, X. and CRANE, N.B. (1993) Electronic style: a guide to citing electronic information. London, Meckler.
3. Books with more than three authors Give the name of the first author, followed by ‘et al.’ (and others).
e.g. LEVITT, R. et al. (1999) The reorganised National Health Service. 6th ed. Cheltenham, Stanley Thornes.
4. Chapters in books
AUTHOR(S) (Year) Title of chapter. In: AUTHOR(S)/EDITOR(S) Book title. Place of publication, Publisher, Pages (p. or pp.).
e.g. TUCKMAN, A. (1999) Labour, skills and training. In: LEVITT, R. et al. The reorganised National Health Service. 6th ed. Cheltenham, Stanley Thornes, pp. 135-155.
5. Electronic information Electronic references should contain the following elements:
AUTHOR(S) (Year) Title of document [Type of resource, e.g. CD-ROM, e-mail, WWW] Organisation responsible (optional). Available from: URL address. [Date accessed].
e.g . UNIVERSITY OF SHEFFIELD LIBRARY (2001) Citing electronic sources of information [WWW] Sheffield, University of Sheffield. Available from: http://www.shef.ac.uk/library/libdocs/hsl- dvc2.html [Accessed 6/8/03].
6. If you are referencing an item, such as a journal article, use the normal format for that item then add the type of resource, URL and accessed details, as for electronic information.
e.g. DREXHAGE, J. (2004) Still up in the air. Carbon finance, January, pp 16-17 [WWW] Available from: http://www.iisd.org/pdf/2004/climate_still_up_air.pdf [Accessed 12/2/04].
The most common type of reference are these which mentioned above, although sometimes we use and some of these which mentioned below, so you can see how you can write these references.
7. Exhibition catalogues
ARTIST (Year) Title of exhibition [Exhibition catalogue] Place of publication, Publisher.
e.g. HARRIS, W. (1983) William Harris as designer [Catalogue of an exhibition held at the Whitworth Art Gallery, 3 May – 4 June 1983] London, Arts Council.
8. Journal articles
AUTHOR(S) (Year) Title of article. Title of journal, Vol. no. (Part no.), Pages (p. or pp.).
e.g. LU, H., and MIETHE, T.D. (2002) Legal representation and criminal processing in China. British journal of criminology, 42 (2), pp. 267-280.
9. Media (video, film, or broadcast) Title (Year) Type of media. ORIGINATOR (e.g. director). Place of production, Producer.
e.g. Rebel without a cause. (1983) Film. Directed by Nicholas RAY. USA, Warner Bros. A television broadcast should also include the date and time of broadcast, where possible. e.g. Dyslexic children. (1999) TV. Channel 4, July 29, 1900 hrs.
10. Newspaper articles
AUTHOR(S) (Year) Article title. Newspaper title, Day, Month (abbreviated), Page(s).
e.g. BROWN, P. (2002) New foot and mouth outbreak suspected. Guardian, 27 Feb., p. 1.
11. Online images Description or title of image (Year) [Online image] ORIGINATOR (if relevant). Available from: URL address. [Date accessed].
e.g. Hubble space telescope release in the space shuttle’s payload bay (1994) [Online image] Available from: http://explorer.arc.nasa.gov/pub/SPACE/GIF/s31-04-015.gif [Accessed 1/10/ 96].
12. Papers in conference proceedings
AUTHOR(S) (Year) Title. In: EDITOR(S) Title of conference proceedings. Place and date of conference (unless included in title). Place of publication, Publisher, Page(s).
e.g. GIBSON, E.J. (1977) The performance concept in building. In: Proceedings of the 7th CIB Triennial Congress. Edinburgh, September 1977. London, Construction Research International, pp. 129-136.
13. Publications from a corporate body (e.g. Government publications)
NAME OF ISSUING BODY (Year) Title. Place of publication, Publisher, Report no. (where relevant), Page(s).
e.g. DEPARTMENT OF THE ENVIRONMENT, Development Commission (1980) 38th Report. 1st April 1979 to 31st March 1980. London, HMSO, 1979-80 HC. 798, pp. 70-81.
14. Theses and dissertations
AUTHOR (Year) Title. Designation (Level, e.g. MSc., PhD.), Institution.
e.g. MARSHALL, J. (2002) The Manuscript tradition of Brunetto Latini’s "Tresor". Unpublished thesis (PhD), University of London.
When you copy from the web or from any other type such as article, newspaper, book etc, something which someone else said is plagiarism, and it is unacceptable. So the best way to avoid the plagiarism is just to use the references or to rewrite with different words or you can use synonymous!
If you want some further information about references and plagiarism, you can visit these links:
I done my self study with this site, so my reference is this site:
De Montford University, [August, 2008], ''The Harvard system of referencing'', [WWW]. Avaliable from: http://www.library.dmu.ac.uk/Images/Selfstudy/Harvard.pdf,
[Accessed, 20/11/2008]
Have a nice day!!!!!!!
Writing Paragraphs & articles about ''The effects of TV on Society''
You can, just go to the site of bbc and search about ‘’future on TV’’, and then you can see them!!!
First of all, you can visit this site to see how you can write a good essay or what you must avoid for an essay!
You can also see at this site
Here, you can find a lot of examples of essays
And this one http://www.planetpapers.com/Assets/3312.php, also about the writing paragraphs and essays!!!
They are very interesting, especially this one
(Online video 'eroding TV viewing', which is mentioned how youtube change the habits to watch TV on internet!!!
And, this one ‘Millions turn to net for pirate TV’, which mentioned how people nowadays, download their favourite series to watch it on PC, because they can wait until it is on TV, such as ‘Desperate housewives’, ‘24’, ‘Lost’, etc..
Some on line articles about the effects of TV on our society, in this site you can find some essays about how people feel with TV, it is not scientific but you can take some opinion, http://www.dooyoo.co.uk/discussion/detrimental-effects-of-television-on-society/1001904/.
On this article you can find some good ideas and suggestions about the effects of TV (it’s really nice and helpful on our first essay) http://www.echeat.com/essay.php?t=30171.
Have a nice day!!
Wednesday, 19 November 2008
Suggested reading in preparation for the media seminar/writing
I want to ask sth, and please if you can help me!!thank you in advance!
I try some of the links, which are on the red book in page 25, but anyone can't work, why??????
Tuesday, 18 November 2008
''The woman in Black''
it was really amazing this performance, because only two actors and one ghost could keep you interesting and qurious about what wrong there or what will be happen!! the truth is, at the end of the first part you feel a little boring but please don't leave for the second part it is the best! at the second part you start understand the story!!! I would like to mention that, sometimes is a little bit scared........
I don't want to say something else, because it's better to see it!!!
Monday, 17 November 2008
Second Month of Pre- Sessional academic English
Sunday, 9 November 2008
Generally, these sites from owl, are really good!